Medical Day Spa

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

Laser Hair Removal: Safety, Effectiveness, & Cost Wondering what to do about unwanted hair, but have questions and concerns? Many people who are interested in in permanent hair removal ask: Is laser hair removal safe?
Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses laser light to selectively target dark coarse hairs, while leaving surrounding skin undamaged. Performed experimentally for about 20 years, laser hair removal became commercially available in 1997 and is approved by the FDA. However, the procedure does have risks, so it is important to do your homework before you make a decision about whether laser hair removal is right for you.  

Choosing a Laser Provider You can greatly minimize any risk associated with laser hair removal by choosing a physician or laser specialist who is certified in laser hair removal. The procedure is more than simply “zapping” unwanted hair. Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that requires training to perform and it carries potential risk. Using lasers should not be a “see one, do one” scenario. In North Carolina, regulations require laser hair removal patients to have a consult and assessment with a doctor prior to treatment. This assessment should include skin analysis, review of medical history, and a discussion of benefits, risks, and contraindications. A consent form should be reviewed with you beforehand and signed. You should also be provided with post-treatment instructions and a phone number to contact your laser provider if you have questions or problems. The laser provider should wear eye protection goggles and your eyes should be protected with special eyewear during the laser procedure.

 Are you a candidate for laser hair removal? For laser hair removal to be effective, it is important to assess whether you are a candidate for the procedure. Because laser light is attracted to dark pigment, the “ideal” laser hair removal candidate has pale skin (so the laser energy can pass right through it) and dark, coarse hair (to better attract the laser). If you do not have the ideal skin/hair combo, you do not necessarily have to write off laser hair removal. Your laser professional will assess your skin tone and type and should recommend the best laser (the Candela Gentle YAG is approved for dark skin tones) and the laser settings for safe effective hair removal. If you have had sun exposure in the past 4 weeks you should not proceed with the hair removal treatment since it can lead to discoloration called hyperpigmentation. Most laser practitioners believe tanning is the single most important act patients do to decrease the effectiveness of the procedure.

Since the laser targets dark pigment, called melanin, it is most effective on people with darker hair. If you have blonde, red, or gray hair, the laser hair removal treatment is less likely to be effective. Other contraindications for undergoing laser hair removal include pregnancy, antibiotics that increase photosensitivity, recent use of Retin-A or Accutane, taking high doses of prednisone, history of keloid formation or autoimmune disorders, and some other medical conditions or situations your physician will review with you.

Following Instructions: the post-treatment period It cannot be said enough: avoid sun exposure. This is true throughout the treatment series and following the final treatment until any redness and swelling have disappeared. Avoid picky or scratching the treated skin. Do not use any other hair removal treatment products or services (waxing, electrolysis, or tweezing) that will disturb the hair follicle in the treatment area.

Laser Hair Removal Cost According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of laser hair removal is $235 per treatment. The cost varies depending on the size of the area to be treated, the number of treatments required, and the area of the country where you live.

In Summary Laser hair removal, like any other medical procedure, has a set of risks and complications. The safety and effectiveness of laser hair removal is highly dependent on patient cooperation and the expertise of the laser professional. Be honest with your practitioner about medical conditions, tanning history, and medications you have taken or are taking and choose a laser professional only after doing some research and footwork.

For more information on safety, costs, and effectiveness of laser hair removal.


  1. Good information. Laser hair removal is a safe and effective method for permanent hair reduction. It is a medical procedure, however, and patients should do their research before choosing a provider.

  2. Good information to consider when having laser hair removal.

  3. I am considering LHR. This is great information.

  4. LHR is also less painful than waxing!

  5. Clearly we need to choose our LHR practitioners carefully!

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  9. Thank you for sending me the information. It was exactly what we needed.
    Is Laser Hair Removal is Permanent or Safe for Eyes

  10. Laser hair removal can be done at home but instead of benefiting you, it will cause problems for you as your hair will regrow.
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