Medical Day Spa

One Tanning Bed Session May Do Long-Term Harm

Even infrequent indoor bronzing causes your odds of basal-cell carcinoma, the most common form of skin cancer, to rise 69% in your lifetime, a new study reports.  Previous research has linked  the number of times you indoor tan to a higher rate of melanoma, the deadliest form of the disease and the most prevalent type of skin cancer among women in their 20's.

It has to do with the intensity of the UV rays sunlamps emit.  In a tanning booth, you are getting almost all UVA rays, explains David Leffell, MD, professor of dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine.  Plus, research shows these rays blast your skin with 10 to 15 times the intensity of the midday sun.  And although some salons are still claiming rays don't cause cancer, don't buy this fairy tale.  UVA rays damage skin cells called keratinocytes, which experts say leads to malignancies.

And indoor tanners are not the only ones at risk.  The sun damages our skin, too.  Don't forget to take notice if you have a "freckle-bikini", the outline of brown dots on your body that shows up where your bathing suit (or other skimpy top or shorts) stops and your bare skin begins - forming a distinct pattern along your shoulders, torso, and upper thighs. Why should you pay attention to this?  Freckles can actually be signs of precancerous skin damage, and their presence clues you in to areas your note coating with enough sunscreen, explains Dr. Leffell.

Take 15 minutes to examine your naked body in a full-length mirror and follow the trail of your freckles or darker skin and other marks and moles. These are areas you absolutely must make sure are shielded with SPF.  An easy trick:  Apply sunscreen before you get dressed, ensuring that every millimeter of skin is protected - especially skin under your swimsuit or shirt.  The product wears off, too, so make sure you slather it on every few hours.


  1. Excellent information on protecting our skin from the damaging effects of sun and tanning bed use.

  2. I didn't know that even 1 session could be so harmful.

  3. The skin is the largest organ in our body and often the most neglected.

  4. I didn't realize the importance of applying sunscreen to unexposed areas either! Great information.

  5. Thank you for sharing this information. Great to know about tanning beds.
